by Frank Tomaras | Mar 17, 2015 | News
New Nova Discovered in Sagittarius – Full story below: New Binocular Nova Discovered in Sagittarius Click on image to enlarge...
by Frank Tomaras | Mar 5, 2015 | News
Kepler-186f, the first Earth-size Planet in the Habitable Zone The artist’s concept depicts Kepler-186f , the first validated Earth-size planet to orbit a distant star in the habitable zone—a range of distance from a star where liquid water might pool on...
by Frank Tomaras | Feb 27, 2015 | News
( —The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at...
by Frank Tomaras | Feb 7, 2015 | News
NASA has its sights set on a visit to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, where astrobiologists believe there could be possible extraterrestrial life forms.
by Frank Tomaras | Jan 31, 2015 | News
Protoplanet Vesta, visited by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft from 2011 to 2013, was once thought to be completely dry, incapable of retaining water because of the low temperatures and pressures at its surface. However, a new study shows evidence that Vesta may have had...