by Frank Tomaras | Dec 3, 2018 | News
BBC News: Gravitational waves have been picked up from the biggest black hole merger yet detected. Artwork: The coalescing objects produced a single black hole over 80 times the mass of our star Full story Here: ...
by Frank Tomaras | Nov 6, 2018 | News
. Below is an artists impression of Comet 46P on Dec 16 2018 as it passes between Taurus and the Pleiades. In 2018, comet 46P/Wirtanen is predicted to become a naked eye comet reaching magnitude 3 in December. Closest approach of the icy object occurs on...
by Frank Tomaras | Oct 24, 2018 | News
The Cat’s Paw Nebula, imaged here by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope using the MIPS and IRAC instruments, is a star-forming region that lies inside the Milky Way Galaxy. New stars may heat up the surrounding gas, which can expand to form...
by Frank Tomaras | Oct 13, 2018 | News
This graphic shows the position of the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes relative to the heliosphere, a protective bubble created by the Sun that extends well past the orbit of Pluto. Voyager 1 crossed the heliopause, or the edge of the heliosphere, in 2012....
by Frank Tomaras | Oct 2, 2018 | News
Dubbed ‘The Goblin’, newly discovered object supports theory of a giant planet on edge of our solar system An artist’s concept of the distant Planet X, which — if confirmed — could be shaping the orbits of smaller extremely distant outer...
by Frank Tomaras | Aug 9, 2018 | News
NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope discovered an Earth-like planet circling a nearby star within the Goldilocks zone of our galaxy. Kepler-186f is around 500 light-years from Earth in the Cygnus constellation. The habitable zone, also identified as the Goldilocks zone, is...