New Board of Directors

The current RASC Montreal BOD are: Honourary President: David Levy President: Morrie Portnoff Vice-President: Ron Barron Secretary: Detlev Schmalhaus Treasurer: Ben Chu Tang Recording Secretary: Gary Smith Director of the Observatory and Observational Activities:...

West End Times talks about the Bellevue Again

For the second time in a month the Bellevue Observatory is featured. Read all about at…

NASA manned Moon missions?

[ reports that experts predicts NASA will soon announce new manned missions to the Moon. It could include a manned outpost on the far side of the Moon, and would be an intermediate step toward a 2025 visit of an asteroid. The plans are probably already...

"Comet Hergenrother is splitting apart,"

Comet Hergenrother is currently traversing the inner-solar system. Amateur and professional astronomers alike have been following the icy-dirt ball over the past several weeks as it has been generating a series of impressive outbursts of cometary-dust material. Now...