Meteors 101: A Lecture under the Stars

Meteors 101: A Lecture under the Stars

During Friday night’s Perseid Meteor Shower Party the Moon tried to spoil our fun, and we had a bit of high-altitude haze to contend with, but stargazers at the Morgan Arboretum managed to spot a good number of luminous fireballs streaking across the night sky.
Night Sky Guy ( Fazekas started the evening off with a lecture under the stars titled “Meteors 101”. After the presentation about 100 stargazers spread out on lawn chairs and blankets, ready for Mother Nature’s light show. The skies were reasonably clear, and RASC Montreal members set up their telescopes to show visitors celestial highlights such as star clusters, double stars, and, later in the evening, planet Jupiter. The longest line-up was at Andrew’s 20″ Obsession Dobsonian which is so tall you need a ladder to reach the eyepiece.
Our star photographer Ray Latulipe captured the evening with a few photos.
(Click on the thumbnails below to launch the slide show)