30th anniversary of the first Canadian woman in space - Dr. Roberta Bondar
On the 30th anniversary of the first Canadian woman in space – Dr. Roberta Bondar, join RASC Montreal Centre and Guelph Physics on Saturday, Jan 22nd at 7pm EST for an event focused on the celebration of this milestone. RASC I&D Chair Virginia Rufina Marquez-Pacheco will share how Dr. Bondar’s training prepared her for the mission aboard Space Shuttle Discovery (becoming the 1st Canadian woman & 1st neurologist in space), her work afterwards to study the effects of space on astronauts… and a discussion on Dr. Bondar’s current philanthropic work. Plus, our former RASC Montreal Centre President Katherine Dulong will talk about a current CSA (Canadian Space Agency) project she’s been working on: Feeding Future Astronauts. This event will be shared live on both YouTube channels:
https://youtube.com/RASCMontreal or https://www.youtube.com/GuelphPhysics

The Saturday RASC Montreal Centre Zoom Clubhouse will start after the event: See your email invitation.

Stay tuned for information about next month’s Public Event: Perseverance – 1 year on Mars, by Dr. Erin Gibbons